I sleep on my back, 'cause it's good for the spine
and coffin rehersal.
I know a psychic who reads her own palms,
and her findings are personal.
She keeps her fists shut tight and she sleeps on her side-
well, maybe she knows something that I don't know.
I absolutely adore Why. Elephant Eyelash has been on repeat for the past two days, and I still can't get enough.It's funny; when I first started listening to Why, I thought that they were just 'okay'. While I found Yoni Wolf's voice interesting, I couldn't really get into him. I had to be in a weird mood to listen to them, and at that point in time, I was no where near weird enough to pay any attention to them.I don't know how it started, but the song Fatalist Palmistry was on an endless loop in my head, even though I hadn't listened to it in months.When I sat down to actually listen to it, I was floored. How could I have ever dismissed this band as "just okay"? Their mix of hip-hop and alternative folk is so ecclectic and catchy. These are songs that will stay in your head for days.What's better than their catchy rhythms, though, is the lyrics.I think that Yoni is one of my favorite lyricists now, right up there with Ted Leo and Isaac Brock.This one line gets me everytime:I should cut down my caloric intake
I should go to bed hungry and wake up
with my guts knotted up
and ears open like a burnt down hut.
This one as well, from the same song:
Unfold an oragami death mask
and cut my DNA with rubber traits
pull apart the double helix like a wishbone
always be working on a suicide note
I want to write like this man. I want to be able to express myself as artfully as he does.
Their new album Eskimo Snow is coming out on the 22nd of September. It's meant to be very different from their previous albums. Yoni himself has said:
"This record is really the least hip-hop out of anything I've ever been involved with."
I'm anxious to hear what the difference will be like on this new album. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to get my hands on it, so I won't even bother trying.I'm just going to leave you with my favorite Why songs. Rubber Traits - WhyFatalist Palmistry - Why