My body is on auto-pilot.
I think it has somehow cut off all contact with my brain. You know what, you can call it a mutiny.
This is my body saying,
Useless Grey matter. Who needs that shit, anyway.
Sometimes, it feels like I'm just cruising through days and I'm hardly registering what is happening around me. When I try to think back on the week, I blank out. I can't remember what I've done.
It isn't always like that, though. Often I will find myself aware of what I'm doing and saying, but I have no control over what comes out of my mouth.
I'll put it this way:
I'm sitting behind the control panel, but there's no power. My body is running on reserve energy, and I've no sway over what it does.
Horrendously stupid things will spill out of my mouth and my limbs get tangled with all that they come in contact with.
I get lost, I laugh at inappropriate times, I knock things over and I repeatedly ask
"Sorry, what was that?"
I'm sitting there, watching all this. I can see myself acting like a total ass-hat, and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Doesn't matter how many buttons I press, or how hard I kick the machines. Yelling obscenities at it doesn't help, either.
It doesn't matter how frustrated I get, because I've already lost all control.
Maybe I'm mildly retarded, maybe I'm just dozy,
apathetic, or lazy.
I don't know if it's because I've lost connection, or if I even had any in the first place.
I don't know what the cause is, all I know is that it's become a real problem.
Trying to quell disputes between your body and brain is a lot harder than it sounds.